How To Turn Your Frown Lines Around? FAQs About Where To Get Botox And Injectables
Posted on: 5 April 2022
Should you go to a dermatologist for Botox? You want to reduce the appearance of fine lines and freshen your face. But plastic surgery isn't an option you're ready to choose. If botulinum toxin type A is the answer to your aesthetic issues, take a look at what you need to know about where, when, and how to get this injectable.
What Is A Botox Treatment?
Botulinum toxin type A is a popular cosmetic treatment. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), this type of injectable was the top procedure in 2020—with more than 4.4 million injections given in the United States. Botox blocks nerve signals, weakening or paralyzing specific targeted facial muscles. This smooths the skin and can reduce the appearance of fine lines.
Where Should You Get A Botulinum Injection?
This question could have two potential meanings. The first is—where in your face should you get an injection? The answer to this question depends on what you want to correct or smooth. Common areas for injections include between the eyebrows (frown lines), the corners of the eyes, the top of the nose, around the mouth, and the neck or jawline.
The second way to look at this question is—where should you go for an injection? There are a few different answers to this question. You could get botulinum toxin injections at a dermatologist's office, doctor's clinic, or a medical spa. You should never get this injectable from an unlicensed provider, at a salon (non-medical spa), or from a friend at their house.
Do You Need To See A Dermatologist for An Injection?
A dermatologist has the education, training, and years of experience necessary to use botulinum toxin type A correctly and effectively. Some dermatologists may provide this service at their office, while others work in a medical spa or similar healthcare-focused setting. An unlicensed provider (such as your friend who bought injectables online or a salon employee) could put you at risk for serious side effects. These could include long-term paralysis of the facial muscles, eye damage, or Bell's palsy.
When and How Should You Get An Injection?
Unlike surgical procedures, this minimally invasive cosmetic treatment won't have permanent effects. Contact the doctor's office or medical spa for an initial consultation. The dermatologist will examine your face and discuss your health history before the injection. The skincare pro can then explain the length of time that you will need in between injection sessions.
To learn more about this topic, contact a local Botox treatment center.