How To Prevent Ingrown Hairs
Posted on: 4 February 2021
Ingrown hairs can occur on any part of the body that has hair growth. Ingrown hairs usually appear as a pimple-like red bump with the hair growing inward instead of out of the skin like it should. Ingrown hairs can get infected if you don't keep the area clean and dry. You can prevent ingrown hairs by changing a few things in your daily routine. Read below for a few things you can do to prevent ingrown hairs.
Use A New, Sharp Razor When Shaving
Remember to shave using a razor that is newer and that is sharp. It will help to give you a clean shave and prevent damage to the hair shaft or the hair follicle itself. If your razor is rusty, don't attempt to shave with it. If your razor has been used over and over again, it's most likely dull and should be replaced with a new one. Replace your shaver after a few weeks of using it.
Keep Your Skin Clean
Ingrown hairs can occur when your skin has too many dead skin cells on it. Keep your skin clean and dry brush your skin once on awhile to remove the dead skin cells. You can dry brush your entire body to remove the dead skin cells and prevent ingrown hairs. If you end up with an ingrown hair, keep this area clean to prevent an infection of the area. If you have an ingrown hair, keep an eye on it for any changes, such as redness, tenderness or puss. If you notice it worsening, get to the dermatologist for help.
Wear Loose-Fitting Clothing
If your clothing is too tight, it can cause friction and lead to ingrown hairs. Wear clothing that is loose and not too restricting. If your clothing is too tight, you could have ingrown hairs on the backs of your arms or on your upper thighs. Keep your clothing loose enough that your body can move freely without being constricted. Also wear clothing that is breathable, such as fabrics made of cotton.
Ingrown hairs can be unsightly and be a pain to deal with. If you have an ingrown hair, keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't worsen. If you are prone to ingrown hairs often, talk to your dermatologist, like those found at and other sites, about other things you can do to prevent ingrown hairs. If your ingrown hair is infected, get to the dermatologist for proper treatment.