Natural Ways to Get Rid of Moles on Your Skin
Posted on: 8 May 2020
Moles on your face can become annoying to look at, especially if you have a lot of them. A great way to get rid of them is through a surgical procedure. However, if you are not quite willing to go under the knife just yet, there are a few things that you can try at home to remove the mole.
Garlic Treatment
Garlic is probably something you have lying around your home. You can apply garlic to your mole to make it diminish over time. Garlic contains enzymes that dissolve the cell clusters in the mole. It's best to apply this treatment daily for optimal results. Try not to be too heavy-handed in your application because garlic can burn the skin.
Castor Oil and Baking Soda
Castor oil and baking soda make the perfect team if you want to get rid of a mole. Mix a small amount of the castor oil and baking soda to make a paste. Apply the paste to your mold. This works well because the baking soda will dry out the mold while the castor oil will keep the skin moist. You will need to apply the treatment consistently several times per week for it to be effective.
Bleaching the Mole
Another method that's easy to try is the mole bleaching method. This is accomplished by squeezing the juice of half of a lemon into a container of your choice and then dipping a cotton swab in it. Apply the lemon juice to the affected areas at least twice per day for best results.
Banana Peels
If you already enjoy eating bananas then you can take the inside of the skin and rub it on your mole. This is an effective treatment because the inside of a banana peel has a lot of enzymes and this will diminish the mole. This treatment should be applied daily, you may have to do it for several months before you see any results, so be prepared and patient. The good thing about this method is that it does not dry the skin out.
As you can see, there are several methods that you can use to get rid of your mole. It is up to you to decide which method is right for you. All the remedies suggested here are inexpensive and you will not have to break the bank to do them. If you need professional attention, consider contacting a clinic like Midwest Dermatology Clinic PC that can perform mole removal procedures.